Brian the brother brought the miserable weather with him from Houston.
We went down to Deep Creek beach, the tide was in, and we sat and watched the big machines putting the fishing boats in the water, and bringing them out again. I’ve previously reported this, as well as the lots of bald eagles after the fish scraps on the beach, but Brian was a newbie, so we have to touristify him.
We then drove down to Homer, where we did something we don’t normally do, we ate at a place we’ve ate at before. The halibut really is to die for.
We booked an early morning fishing trip for tomorrow, we have to be up at 4, so we will catch some halibuts.
We wandered around the harbor, but the rain was incessant, despite Marlipops doing an anti rain dance in the parking lot, so we cut our losses and left.
We did some more touristy things, like visiting the Russian Orthodox Church again in the little town of Ninilchik.
After a very pleasant early dinner of salmon and taters, we visited with our friends Art and Robin, on the campsite, and Bob the owner of the site wandered over, with the most awesome smoked salmon, which had been smoking for about 6 hours.
We then went off to Crooked Creek, coz Norm, from our campsite, had rushed off in his truck, yelling, “The salmon are running”.
Norm is an avid fisherman who has caught precisely nothing on his trip, so we have been giving him a real hard time.
So, we caught up with Norm, who was wading in the river, and he caught……..none.
We went down to a beach in the quaintly named town of Clam Gulch, and took some nice eagle pix.
Brian heard some sounds from the bushes which were bearlike, and later he saw a piece of wood which was bearlike, but neither were the real thing, so he will have to wait another day, and just go to bed with his teddy!!
Wildlife watch was eagles and a sandpiper.
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