All good things come to an end, but what about great ones?
Our journey has far exceeded our wildest dreams and hopes about what we would see and do.
Forget the exotic trips abroad, travel this country and see the world!
We have driven over 16000 miles, visited 26 states and three provinces in Canada, met some fascinating people, made some wonderful friends, and seen the most stunning wildlife and scenery imaginable.
We have been educated far more than we could have thought possible, and fallen in love with Alaska.
We drove the last 400 miles back to Houston today, and got pulled over by the police, the first time in four months, back in Texas! I was told that I was stopping too close to other vehicles when I pulled up at stop lights. How far away am I supposed to be, we wondered? Anyway, no ticket, just a friendly chat, so we survived to complete our journey.
We had an uneventful trip back, along the rest of highway 82, then south on 59 in Texas.
It was interesting to see how many little mom and pop RV places there are, scattered along the roadside like so much confetti. Pretty full as well, most of them.
We did see a herd of buffalo (bison) in Arkansas, if you can believe it.
We hope you all enjoyed our travel log as much as we did writing it, and also that some of you get the travel bug!
America really is a big, gorgeous, exciting, fun packed, country.
The End.