Happy birthday to “The Son” (Mike) today.
We have left Scenic View RV park.
We spent 17 very happy days there, and it really was a wrench to depart, but leave we must. So, with fond memories, of the views, the wonderful, wonderful owners/hosts/friends, Brenda and Bob, and the dogs, River and Max, we left at noon.
We drove to Anchorage, along the Sterling Highway, finally off the Kenai Peninsular. Once again, we had glorious, cloudless weather, and the mountains seemed to have changed colors, the greens somehow different fro m when we came down here. Whether the trees and bushes have grown, or it is a sign of autumn, who knows, but still fantastic to see them towering over the roads, lakes and rivers.
We have said this several times, but the Kenai is a magical, mystical place which has changed us forever, it is so perfect. We are both very sad to leave it, but we will definitely be back.
We got into Anchorage around 6.30, having first stopped for a while at Potters Marsh bird sanctuary, where we watched red salmon spawning in the creek below the boardwalk we were on. Very interesting, they swim around a bit, then turn on one side, give a little wiggle, out come the eggs, then they swim around a bit more….and die.
We saw some pretty birds, took a few pix of them for looking up in the bird book later, and left.
We met up with our friend Michele, who took us to Sullivans, and we pigged out on steak and horseradish taters and garlic spinach and big shrimp and for the first time in my life, escargot, which were very pleasant.
That reminds me, Helen P. another postcard is on the way.
The meal was followed by an early bedtime coz the last few late nights were catching up with us.
Wildlife watch today was a few birds.