Ah the joys of a full size, keenly sprung mattress!!
We could not sleep a wink!
But we did have the luxury of a fan above the bed, so we slept peacefully and in a cool atmosphere, without running the generator. Wonderful.
That is the good news from today.
The sad news, and we know some of you will be upset, and be sending letters of sympathy, is that Captain Cautious trimmed his chin today.
Yes, the mega bush is extinct. No more Captain Birds Eye, or David Bellamy jokes, no more trapping food for later consumption.
But, both the Marlipops and Mother of Marlipops said how gorgeous I look now, so there are some compensations.
We did not do a lot of anything this morning, cleaned the peril, posted some stuff to England and France ( look out Helen, more seeds on the way) and grocery shopped.
After lunch we chilled, showed Wilda some pix, and then Cotton and Martha Faris turned up to annoy us!!
This lovely couple have been great friends with Marlipops’ parents since Adam was a lad, and have been following our travel saga with avid interest. In fact Cotton was telling us about things we didn’t remember doing, and places we could not recall having been.
After some stimulating conversation, and sharing of memories, the Faris’ had to leave.
Then later, coz it was raining, we had a garage barbecue, thick juicy steaks, lovingly marinated by the ‘Pops and cooked slowly for 25 minutes.
We really have chilled here, but tomorrow we are off traveling again, as much as we hate to leave.
Wildlife watch today was the same old scrawny squirrel from yesterday.