Captain’s Log Stardate 13
What is the world coming to? We awoke this morning, and there was no water available on the site, and horror of horrors, the dryers in the laundry room didn’t work either. How will we survive?
Being the improvisational dynamic duo we are, a hose line was quickly connected to the neighbors faucet, and we filled up and headed out.
We traveled for about an hour, to the wonderfully preserved town of Virginia City, which was created in the gold rush of 1863, abandoned, and then kept as a historic site. Most of the original buildings are still there, and we are sure some of the inhabitants were original as well. ( my dad would fit in well!)
We enquired about cell phone service, and were told that a signal is usually available “ on one of the courthouse steps, but not sure which one”
Once again, your dynamic twosome flew into action and climbed the courthouse steps, of course to no avail, signal non existent.
After a pleasant lunch in Bob’s Place, we drove another 300 miles, through some stunning mountain passes on Interstate 15, past Helena and Great Falls, and ended up at mile marker 319 rest stop. We are just 80 odd miles from the Canadian border.
Montana is just beautiful, the land is virtually empty, and the scenery out of this world.
Our favorite state so far.
Then, disaster struck.
As I was attempting to make Marla her evening drink, I opened the fridge door and a bottle of Moose Drool beer fell and shattered on the tile floor.
What a waste of precious nectar!
I was so upset at losing a whole bottle of beer I nearly started back for Houston.
Marla told me I was a wuss for crying, but women don’t understand about beer, and other manly things.
But don’t worry, dear readers, the deep cut I sustained on my right foot finally stopped bleeding all over the floor, and I can soldier on.
Wildlife watch today not so good, a few deer, some llamas, mules, one single seagull, obviously lost, and ospreys nesting.
Tomorrow Glacier Park.

The picture of the car is not about us at all, just a really neat car steaming down the freeway, and a lucky picture.