Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Day 49

Today we were getting an early start, to do a bunch of stuff in Anchorage, which is 180 miles away, so we jumped out of bed……………at 9.00am!!

The salmon and late night photography of last night zonked us, and we had a much needed lie in.

So, off we went, at around 11.00 am, through Soldotna, past a female moose grazing in the pasture, and in to Anchorage, four hours later.

It was refreshing to see that we have not grown accustomed to the scenery, it is still wonderful to behold, even though it was a bit cloudy. Seeing glaciers from afar is still mind blowing.

We had an early dinner/ late lunch at a wonderful establishment called The Moose’s Tooth Brewing Company.

They not only make and serve the most delish and different pizza, they brew their own ale!

I was in heaven.

A smoked salmon pizza was washed down with a Northern Lights amber ale, which was so nice I bought half a gallon!

We stopped for gas and saw a weird truck, with stuffed animals. See pic.

At 8.30pm, we met up with brother Brian who had flowed in from Houston, to annoy us for a week or so.

Now we have to run him around all over the place, doing the touristy thing.

We left the airport at around 9.30, and within 2 hours Brian had seen his first 2 mooses!

Both munching away at the side of the road.

We got back to the campsite at around 1.00 in the morning, after an interesting drive back. A big deal is made in Alaska about driving carefully coz of the moose, and there have been a lot of accidents recently, and some fatalities, with people hitting moose, and after the drive last night, I understand why. These huge, harmless creatures stand innocently at the side of the roads, eating and minding their own business, and they are virtually invisible, so when they decide that the grass is greener in the other side of the street, they stroll across the road, and whammo, one minced moose and one mangled car. Very sad.

Wildlife watch today was the above mentioned mooses.

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