It is June, it is summer, and we get snow. I thought we had a problem with global warming!!
Yes, snow on the car and coach roof at 5.30 in the morning, a time which probably doesn’t appear on most of your clocks!!
But, when I looked, the rest stop we stayed at was at elevation 8000 ft, and the mountains alongside us were 4000 feet higher, so I suppose snow was to be expected.
We left at 7, and proceeded West along Interstate 70 , and found that the rest stop was the highest point on the freeway, and we went downhill, through road works and on one lane, for the next 10 miles. All was fine until some impatient truck driver decided to blow his air horns up my rear end to get me to move quicker. So, ever obliging Clive, I slowed down to piss him off further!

Any way, we drove North in miserable rain, on Interstate 15, all the way through Utah.
As lovely as the South of Utah is, the central part and the North are not.
Salt Lake City is anywhere USA, and we did’nt even see the pigging lake!
We got into Idaho, and the drive from Utah to Idaho Falls was gorgeous. The road goes along a valley, with snow covered peaks on both sides, and lush farmland in the middle.
(10 points for the first reader to name the movie where the phrase “ As Idaho Falls, so falls Idaho” was used.)
We are staying in a public park, free of course, by the Snake River in Idaho Falls.
Tomorrow it is 100 miles up the road to Jellystone Park for a few days!!

Wildlife watch today includes 3 white pelicans, presumably totally lost, prairie dog/marmot/gopher things in the park, and a suicidal deer what leapt into the freeway from the median, without looking both ways, and was nearly minced by a truck. Pity it got away, I fancied venison for dinner!
We traveled 385 miles, exactly the same as yesterday, which is scary. I think Marlipops took me on the guided tour of downtown Idaho Falls just to get the mileage the same!!
On our evening after dinner (lamb chops and mashed taters with peas) walk, we wandered around the park, and Marlipops annoyed the local bird life sufficiently to attack her, dive bombing from the pine trees. I stood patiently with the camera, but no bird poop was forthcoming!

(Just a side bar, we play cards every night during dinner, and I have discovered that Marlipops cheats, coz she wins every time!)
Todays pix include the RV we have downsized to, coz we are out of funds, and no one is paying yet to read this drivel!!!