Marlipops has left and gone away!!
She took off on the big silver bird to stinky Houston, to take care of some stuff, leaving me alone here in paradise.
What am I going to do?
All those fish waiting to jump on my hook, all those bears and mooses waiting to be photographed.
I suppose I’ll have to suffer relaxing, reading, snoozing and other strenuous pastimes until she returns!
We actually saw some new wildlife today, mountain goats. They were perched on the rocky mountainside on the edge of the highway from Seward, nonchalantly eating the vegetation and fauna, jumping, leaping and prancing from rock to rock. Marlipops asked me why they don’t fall, and the answer is simple, they have four wheel drive.
It is a total of 180 miles from the campsite to Anchorage airport, and it took us 5 hours, with a stop for gas, on the way there, Marlipops in the driving department.
It took me 3 hours, with a gas filling up stop, on the way back.
The highway is well built, and when there is little traffic, my left foot gets heavy!!
Just before I got back to the campsite, I hit a full blown fog bank. It just appeared off the Inlet, more of a mega cloud really, and suddenly visibility was down from bright sunny to zippo. So, Captain by name, and Cautious by nature, I slowed down to the speed limit, and right then, Mr. Alaska State Trooper decided to take a look at the back of the car. So, thank you, cloud gods!!
Scenic View RV Park is not at present, it is 10.03 in the evening o’clock, and previously mentioned cloud bank is still out there, totally blocking the view.
So, I’ll have to watch a movie.
Helen P…….did you get the seeds?
Wildlife watch today was mountain goats and a bald eagle.