Sunday, 5 August 2007

Day 68

Today is MPR!!!

The cloud we have been under, literally and figuratively, is sure to blow away now that her ladyship is returning.

So, after making sure the coach was spotless, and doing all the manly chores like laundry, off I went towards Anchorage.

For the geographically challenged amongst you, the part of the Kenai that we have been on has no mountains, and it’s been a while since I’ve seen them close up. So, driving the 180 miles to the airport, through the passes, and along Turnagain Arm, I got a “mountain fix”. They are just magnificent. Every time we drive through the various twisty turny passes and valleys, there seems to be new mountains, glaciers and lakes. The colors change, the leaves on the trees and bushes vary tremendously, and everything is fresh and new each time we see them. Absolutely fascinating.

It seems that we have a larger audience than first we thought. It appears that certain family members, mentioning no names, Alisha, are letting other people read this travelog, free of charge.

Welcome all you audience members who are from the Emerald Isle.

It is a well known fact in England that we tell jokes about the Irish, as Americans tell jokes about Aggies, or the Polish, depending upon which part of the country you happen to hail from. That said, I will not insult anyone knowingly, with jokes in poor taste. I will just let you know that I’m writing today’s travelog really slowly, so everyone can keep up!!

We drove back from Anchorage, and after a pit stop at Sourdough Sals in Soldotna for a wake me up coffee, we got back to the campsite at around 1.30 in the early morning

o’ clock.

Wonder of wonders!!

Just as I predicted in the beginning of this report, the cloud was gone, vanished, disappeared, va-moosed.

It is the Marlipops magic!

However, the wind was blowing so strongly, I had to put down all the awnings on the coach, coz they could easily have broked, so it was another half an hour before we could get into bed.

There was a weird, very pale blue, almost grey sky, with lots of streaky clouds, in the west. I t was much later than sunset o’clock, so it cannot be classed as such, but more of an afterglow, only very pale. Of course, we tried to photo it, and the pix did not turn out, so you will have to make do with my verbal description.

No wildlife today, and actually no pix either.

However, as a going away gift in reverse, I buyed Marlipops a new camera, so beware, in future, probably more pix than y’all bargained for!

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