Thursday, 21 June 2007

Day 23

Good Morning, or evening all you readers out there in the real world, greetings from Never land.

Today your heroes left the delights of Big Fir campground, and the gourmet barbecue grills and headed north to Tacoma, only about 120 miles.

We landed at Camping World parking lot, junction 137 of Interstate 5.

For the uninitiated, Camping World is a nationwide chain of stores and service departments dedicated to RVers like wot we is. So, they welcome us and our money with open arms and let us boondock on their parking lots. All very civilized.

We then had lunch, consisting of cranberry cookies, coffee and ice cream, all courtesy of Camping World, while we strolled around the store and bought precisely nothing!

Off we went up the freeway to Seattle, that jewel of the Northwest.

Seattle is famous for coffee and the Space Needle, a huge ugly protrusion into the sky built about 50 years ago for some exhibition or something.

So, being tourists for the day we paid the ridiculous entrance fee, traveled on the exterior elevator for 42 seconds and walked around the top taking the obligatory pictures for a few minutes, and then spent another 42 seconds traveling in a downward direction and that was it.

Marla wanted to sample the culinary delights of Chinatown, so we went, along 5th Avenue, to Chinatown.

Downtown Seattle is very clean, some lovely buildings and reminded us a lot of San Francisco, (only Scott McKenzie wasn’t there )

However, if you have never been to a city, and have absolutely no idea where to eat, and you are in a part of town where all the signs are in Chinese, where do you go for information? Yes, you guessed, the bank.

We ended up at a restaurant, and I use the word in the loosest possible fashion, called The Honey Pot.

Pooh Bear would have been out of there in a heartbeat.

In Marlipop’s words, what we were served was definitely not fit for human consumption.

In my words it was F………S…..!

Anyway, not to worry, your fearless twosome found the car and proceeded to leave Seattle, we thought.

Traveller’s tip # 45. When the Seattle Mariners baseball team play at home, all roads in the city lead to the stadium.

It took us over half an hour to get on the freeway, the one we could see a few blocks to our left.

We did see Starbuck’s Corporate Office, which I know you were all waiting for.

I nearly forgot to find a local brew, because it is such a hassle drinking a beer or two every night, but I found one, it is called Pyramid Hefe Weizen Ale, brewed by Pyramid Brewery of Seattle, surprisingly enough. It says on the label that it is “refreshingly unfiltered”

I take that to mean it is full of S…., coz that’s what it tastes like. A big 1 out of 5 for this.

A P.S. to that, after 4 of these, they begin to taste quite nice!!!

The picture of Safeco Park baseball stadium is for our son Michael, who is a diehard baseball fan. Though, he supports the Houston Astros, which kind of contradicts the baseball theory, a bit like me supporting the Wolves!!!!

The pic of the seaplanes is coz I thought you would like to see planes!!!

We have received a comment or two, not to mention any names, Geoff Wooton, that it would be nice for all you geographically challenged out there, and those of you too piggin’ idle to pick up a map, that it would be nice to see where we’ve been so far.

So, attached is said map.

To make it really simple, so none of your brain cells have to kick into action, the green line is our route and the red crossy things are where we stayed.

Wildlife watch today non existent, we are in a city!!

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