Major’s Log ( I’ve been promoted) Stardate 15
A lazy day today, doing absolutely not a lot.
We have decided that now and again we can take a day to relax, do a few small maintenance chores, and basically chill out.
Either driving 300 plus miles in the coach, or rushing all over the place sightseeing can be draining, especially to old farts like us.
Still, some interesting stuff.
We are in the middle of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, and we feel almost stuck in a time warp. Limited goods in the grocery store, and the sacker takes all your bags to your car, because the shopping trolleys cannot leave the store in case of theft.
Sign on the wall said “No loitering, no bumming”
We went to the town information office where two Indian girls were on duty.
The one could not be bothered to put down her book, so we asked the one for some info on Glacier Park.
“We’ve got brochures” was the reply.
“Is the Road To The Sun open ?” we politely enquired.
“We’ve got brochures”
“How do we find out if the road is open………………or do we look in a brochure?”
“They sent us an update” Progress, we thought. We looked at the update, which was actually produced on June 7th, before the last snowfall, so was totally useless, which we pointed out, and asked where to look for up to date info, and yes you guessed,
“We got brochures”.
Have a nice day.
Also, the liquor store was a windowless box, with just a hole in a wall, you asked for what you wanted, and it was fetched from the depths of the store. No wandering around, picking what you wanted off the shelves.
And we were warned to watch out for the beggars.
So, we walked out and sure enough, sitting on the street near our car was an old Indian, who said “ Hallo ladies, I fell off the wagon yesterday, can you help me?” Marla’s comment was, “If he thinks you are a lady with your beard, I’d hate to see his wife”
Needless to say, we did our bit to help him back on the wagon by not giving him any money.
For all you beer lovers, I am still suffering through new brews. Today’s offering was Beach Bum Blonde Ale. Very nice, not too strong with a sandy, vacant looking taste!!!

We got neighbors!!
A very nice couple pulled their fifth wheel into the campground today, and they are from Florida!!
So far, the only other RV’ers we have speaked to are from where we are from.
Today’s wildlife watch is more cute gophers, some magpies and a lot of stray dawgs.
Happy Trails.

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